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Oxtek (OXT)

OXT X280 Densi-Proof Reo Protect

Regular price $188.52 AUD inc. GST
Regular price Sale price $188.52 AUD inc. GST
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X280 Densi-Proof Reo Protect is a single pack one application spray on system that deeply penetrates new or existing concrete, provides curing, permanent waterproofing, and protection. X280 Densi-Proof Reo Protect has been specifically formulated to prevents conditions that create and/or promote corrosion activity, significantly retarding rust producing reactions of the embedded steel reinforcement. Adopting the use of X280 Densi-Proof Reo Protect at time of the concrete pour as an effective curing regime (equivalent to that of water ponding) will significantly reduce the incidence of dry shrinkage cracking, providing a hardened, denser and dust proof concrete, compatible with subsequent flooring or coating applications. 

  • Designed for high corrosion areas—jettys, bridges and sea walls
  • Cures, densifies, hardens and waterproofs concrete
  • Ideally applied as a cure at time of pour by spray
  • Can be applied to existing if clean and porous
  • Will purge contamination from existing concrete
  • Significantly retards any existing or future corrosion
  • Enhances surface traction quality
  • Environmentally Friendly, HACCP Certified—low odour, low VOC
  • Increases acid and chemical resistance
  • Warranties of up to 15 years, supported by project specification and robust QC and QA procedures

Available in 5 and 15 L drums.

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